Tuesday, September 13, 2011

What did I do last weekend and how does it relate?

Last weekend started reading Gravity's Rainbow, Which the TIME included in its "All-Time 100 Greatest Novels," and described as "a funny, disturbing, exhausting and massive novel, mind-fogging in its range and permutations, its display of knowledge and virtuosity—a metaphysical, phenomenological, technological Mad Comic. The author seems to have read and understood everything from quantum mechanics, probability theory and engineering manuals to the labels on bottles of 1920 Schloss Vollrads, Tarot cards and rock lyrics. This, and much more, Pynchon catalogues and tickles into fantasies so elaborately detailed that most of his readers will come away feeling illiterate in the terms of the 20th century" Read more: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,903913,00.html#ixzz1XrBC1UHq

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